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硕/博导:硕导 职称:副教授





2016.09-2022.06  公司 农业经济管理专业 管理学博士

2019.08-2021.06  新西兰林肯大学  农业经济学专业 公派联合培养

2014.09-2016.06  武汉大学 市场营销专业 管理学学士(双学位)

2012.09-2016.06  公司 植物保护专业 农学学士



2022.07至今 澳门所有赌钱网址(中国)有限公司 副教授



  1. “资源错配对中国农业生产率的影响研究”,2019年清华大学中国农村研究院博士生论文奖研究项目,2019-2021,主持,已结题

  2. Dairy Sector Competitiveness: Response to variable milk prices”,2020年新西兰DairyNZ Industry Project2020-2021,参与

  3. “新形势下我国农业全要素生产率提升战略研究”,国家社科基金重大项目,2018-2023,参与

  4. “中国农业全要素生产率增长的微观基础及若干农业政策的生产率效应评估”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2022,参与



  1. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, 2022. Scan the QR code of happiness: can mobile payment use make people happier? Applied Research in Quality of Life. (SSCI/SCI; Q1 in JCR)

  2. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, Gong, B., 2022. Rural income growth, ethnic differentials, and household cooking fuel choice: evidence from China. Energy Economics. (SSCI/SCI; Q1 in JCR)

  3. Ma, W., Vatsa, P., Zheng, H.*. 2022. Cooking fuel choices and subjective well-being: implications for complete energy transition. Energy Policy. (SSCI/SCI; Q1 in JCR)

  4. Twumasi, A, Zheng, H*, Jiang, Y.*, et al., 2022. Access to financial services and its impact on household income: Evidence from rural Ghana. The European Journal of Development Research. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR)

  5. Ma, W.*, Christopher, G., Vatsa, P., Yang, W., Zheng, H. 2022, Factors affecting online shopping frequency: Lessons from New Zealand. SN Business & Economics.

  6. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, Wang, F.*, Li, G., 2021. Does internet use improve technical efficiency of banana production in China? Evidence from a selectivity-corrected analysis. Food Policy 166, 102044. (SSCI/SCI; Q1 in JCR; A类期刊)

  7. Zheng, H., Ma, W., Li, G.*, 2021. Adoption of organic soil amendments and its impact on farm performance: evidence from wheat farmers in China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 65(2), 367–390. (SSCI/SCI; Q2 in JCR; A类期刊)

  8. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, Li, G., 2021. Learning from neighboring farmers: Does spatial dependence affect adoption of drought‐tolerant wheat varieties in China? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 12294. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR; A类期刊)

  9. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, Guo, Y., Zhou, X., 2021. Interactive relationship between non-farm employment and mechanization service expenditure in rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review. (SSCI/SCI; Q2 in JCR; A-类期刊)

  10. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, Zhou, X., 2021. Renting-in cropland, machinery use intensity, and land productivity in rural China. Applied Economics, 1–15. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR; A-类期刊)

  11. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, 2021. Click it and buy happiness: does online shopping improve subjective well-being of rural residents in China? Applied Economics, 1–15. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR; A-类期刊)

  12. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, 2021. Smartphone-based information acquisition and wheat farm performance: insights from a doubly robust IPWRA estimator. Electronic Commerce Research. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR)

  13. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, 2021. The role of resource reallocation in promoting total factor productivity growth: empirical evidence from China’s agricultural sector. Review of Development Economics. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR)

  14. Zheng, H., Ma, W.*, 2021. Impact of ICT adoption on cosmetic expenditure of Chinese residents: an exploration accounting for urban-rural differentials. Applied Economics Letters, 1–6. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR)

  15. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, Yuan, P., 2021. Impacts of cooperative membership on banana yield and risk exposure: Insights from China. Journal of Agricultural Economics. (SSCI/SCI; Q2 in JCR; A类期刊)

  16. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, 2021. Heterogeneous impacts of information technology adoption on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures: Evidence from wheat farmers in China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1467-8489.12446. (SSCI/SCI; Q2 in JCR; A类期刊)

  17. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, Zhu, Y., Qi, J., 2021. Effects of cooperative membership on financial performance of banana farmers in China: A heterogeneous analysis. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 1–23. (SSCI/SCI; Q3 in JCR)

  18. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, 2021. Does car ownership motivate tourism participation? Evidence from a developing country. Tourism Planning and Development.

  19. Ma, W., Zheng, H.*, 2021. Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption in rural China: Does off-farm work play a role? Q Open 1(2), 1–21.

  20. Ma, W., Vatsa., P., Zhou, X.*, Zheng, H., 2021. Happiness and Farm Productivity: Insights from Maize Farmers in China. International Journal of Social Economics.

  21. Li, J., Ma, W., Renwick, A., Zheng, H.*, 2020. The impact of access to irrigation on rural incomes and diversification: evidence from China. China Agricultural Economic Review 12(4), 705–725. (SSCI/SCI; Q2 in JCR; A-类期刊)

  22. 郑宏运, 李谷成*. 土地流转如何影响农业资源配置效率?一个异质性分析. 农业技术经济2022 (CSSCIA-类期刊)

  23. 郑宏运, 李谷成*. 数字普惠金融发展对县域农业全要素生产率增长的影响研究. 当代经济管理,2022(7) (CSSCI)

  24. 郑宏运, 李谷成*. 农业资源再配置的生产率效应评估——基于县级面板数据的实证. 公司学报(社会科学版), 2021(05). (CSSCI)

  25. 郑宏运, 李谷成*. 城乡政策偏向对农业资源配置效率的影响研究. 农业技术经济, 2020(07):79-92. (CSSCIA-类期刊)

  26. 郑宏运, 李谷成*, 周晓时. 要素错配与中国农业产出损失. 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2019,19(5):143-153. (CSSCI)

  27. 高雪, 李谷成*, 郑宏运. 极端天气事件感知与收入水平对农户保护性耕作采用意愿的影响. 中国农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2019,24(10):187-197. (CSCD)

  28. 阮培成, 李谷成*, 郑宏运, . 公路基础设施建设缩小了城乡收入差距吗?——来自江苏、浙江县级面板数据的例证. 农业现代化研究, 2019,40(06):927-935. (CSCD)

  29. 郑宏运, 李谷成*, 周晓时, . 农机社会化服务有利于培育新型农业经营主体吗?——以种植大户为例. 农业现代化研究, 2018(02):300-308. (CSCD)



  1. 2022年中国农林经济管理学术年会, 08/2022.

  2. 2022 ADBI Virtual Conference (Online), 08/2022.

  3. 2022 AARES Annual Conference (Online), 02/2022.

  4. 2021 10th ASAE International Conference (Online), 12/2021.

  5. Asian Development Bank Institute Conference 2021 24th Annual Conference (Online), 11/2021.

  6. 2021 CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference (Online), 10/2021.

  7. 31st International Conference of Agricultural Economists 2021 Virtual Conference, 08/2021.

  8. 2021 AAEA Virtual Meeting, 08/2021.

  9. 2021 EAAE Online Meeting, 07/2021.

  10. 2021 AARES Annual Conference (Online), 02/2021.

  11. 2020 TSUE Online Conference, 10/2020.

  12. 2020 NZARES Online Conference, 08/2020.

  13. 2020 AAEA Virtual Meeting, 08/2020.

  14. 2020 IAMO Forum Online Meeting, 06/2020.

  15. 2019 CES Annual Conference, Dalian China, 06/2019.

  16. 2019清公司村研究博士生论坛(优秀论文奖),06/2019.

  17. 2019 63rd AARES Annual Conference, Melbourne Australia, 02/2019.



担任Food PolicyAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsJournal of Agricultural EconomicsJournal of Rural StudiesAgribusinessEnergy EconomicsElectronic Commerce ResearchInternational Food and Agribusiness Management ReviewReview of Development EconomicsAnnals of Public and Cooperative EconomicsJournal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging EconomiesEconomic PapersQ OpenCogent Economics and FinanceCogent Environmental ScienceFrontiers in PsychologyFrontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsJournal of Environmental Planning and ManagementPest Management Science等期刊审稿人。